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Admiral Staging Carrier Strong Girl 2x 30

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Admiral Staging Carrier Strong Girl 2x 30 (WASGC30)

Admiral Staging Carrier Strong Girl 2x 30


Our Strong Girl is designed to transport circular truss segments. When stacking these segments on top of each other, truss carriers are used to avoid any slipping and scratching of the truss.

Our Strong Girl is designed to transport circular truss segments. When stacking these segments on top of each other, truss carriers are used to avoid any slipping and scratching of the truss. Due to the (small) radius of the segments, sometimes the standard  truss carriers will not stay in place after laying them down on top of the previously stacked segment. Therefore, a specially designed truss carrier is used to stack truss with a smaller radius.

If you are working alone or dealing with truss of a larger diameter, you can secure the carriers to the truss using conical couplers. This allows for easy stacking of the next truss sections on top, as you can see in the animation below. 

Note: Please note that these conical couplers are not supplied by Admiral Staging. 

600 mm
black / silver
For truss
30 truss
3.7 kg

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