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Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black

Etusivu Trussi, Stage & Rigging Tekstiilit Taustakankaat Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black (PODM3040)

Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black


Reduce the amount of external noise in your studio or practice room and improve the internal acoustics with the help of our soundproof curtains. They are a simple and cost-effective solution for dampening sound and can be easily fitted and installed in every space.
Kysy saatavuus myynnistä


Reduce the amount of external noise in your studio or practice room and improve the internal acoustics with the help of our soundproof curtains. They are a simple and cost-effective solution for dampening sound and can be easily fitted and installed in every space.
Our soundabsorbing backdrops have been laboratory tested to 85% acoustic absorbtion, according to ISO 354, when hung in pleats 100 mm from the wall. 

  • Fire retardant as per DIN 4102/B1
  • Sound absorption class B
  • Pre-fitted eyelets every 25 cm
  • Available in multiple heights


4 meter
1.7 mm
3 meter
500 gr/m2
Fire retardant
conform DIN 4102-1 and M1
80 % cotton and 20 % viscose
6.5 kg
Inside diameter eyelets
11 mm

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