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Admiral Staging Storage cart set H 110 with toplid

Etusivu Trussi, Stage & Rigging Siirto ja kuljetus Säilytysvaunut Admiral Staging Storage cart set H 110 with toplid
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Admiral Staging Storage cart set H 110 with toplid (WASCSH11L)

Admiral Staging Storage cart set H 110 with toplid


Put together your ideal storage solution with our modular Storage cart. To build the frame of your Storage cart, Slim-line panels are combined with our length profiles.

Put together your ideal storage solution with our modular Storage cart.

To build the frame of your Storage cart, Slim-line panels are combined with our length profiles. Our slime-line panels are available in two heights, 110 cm or 203 cm.
The built-in orange handles on the panels make it effortless to maneuver and direct your Storage cart.

There are two frame sets available, both including a top lid to prevent dust and dirt falling in the top crate of your storage cart. The lid is made out of hard plastic, making it highly resistant to scratches. It also ensures that the top surface of the cart remains level, facilitating the stacking of extra equipment and supplies.


110 cm
powder coated steel
Dimensions (L x W x H)
600 x 492 x 1096 mm

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