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Admiral Staging Swivel castor 125mm with brake WLL 200kg

Etusivu Trussi, Stage & Rigging Siirto ja kuljetus Pyörät Admiral Staging Swivel castor 125mm with brake WLL 200kg
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Admiral Staging Swivel castor 125mm with brake WLL 200kg (ZEWACW24)

Admiral Staging Swivel castor 125mm with brake WLL 200kg


Castor wheels Admiral Staging is well known for its extremely high quality and great price. These castor wheels are another great Admiral Staging product that support this statement. The blue plastic wheels do not leave any marks on soft surfaces such as gym floors or dance halls. The wheels are available in swivel, swivel with brake or fixed castor. Additionally, there are several diameter options with different lifting capacities available.

Technical Specifications

castor with brake
diameter: 125 mm
weight: 1.13 kg
load capacity: 125 kg

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