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Admiral Staging / Luettelo

Etusivu Admiral Staging



Tuotteet, joita et tiennyt tarvitsevasi.

Admiral Stagingin suunnittelee ja valmistaa ainutlaatuisia ja monipuolisia stage -ratkaisuja sekä perustuotteita. Valikoimasta on tullut tapahtuma- ja viihdealan ammattilaisten välttämättömyyksiä maailmanlaajuisesti. Yli 30 jakelukumppanin verkoston ansiosta, Admiral Stagingin on onnistunut laajenemaan maailmanlaajuiseksi brändiksi.

Admiral erottuu joukosta tuotteiden modulaarisuuden vuoksi. Ratkaisut ovat suunniteltu antamaan ammattilaisille mahdollisuus luoda ja räätälöidä kokoonpanonsa tehokkaasti ja jatkuvasti kehittyvien tarpeidensa ja luovan visionsa mukaisesti.

Tuotteet jakautuvat kuuteen eri tuoteryhmään; Näyttämö-, Ripustus-, Kuljetustarvikkeet, Ripustuskoukut ja -kourat, Kaapelit ja liittimet sekä Admiral -erikoistuotteet.

Yksi suosituimpia tuotteita on Admiral Snake- kaapelinhallintajärjestelmä, jonka avulla voidaan toteuttaa kaapelointi liikkuville rakenteille tai ansaille.

Lisätietoja Admiral Stagingista ja heidän tuotteista saat osoitteesta: https://www.admiralstaging.com

Näytetään 1 - 15 / 15 tuotteesta
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 3,5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3035
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Kysy saatavuus myynnistä
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 3m black
Tuotekoodi: PODM3030
Reduce the amount of external noise in your studio or practice room and improve the internal acoustics with the help of our soundproof curtains. They are a simple and cost-effective solution for dampening sound and can be easily fitted and installed in every space.
Kysy saatavuus myynnistä
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black
Tuotekoodi: PODM3040
Reduce the amount of external noise in your studio or practice room and improve the internal acoustics with the help of our soundproof curtains. They are a simple and cost-effective solution for dampening sound and can be easily fitted and installed in every space.
Kysy saatavuus myynnistä
Admiral Staging Soundabsorbing backdrop 500 g/m² W 3m x H 5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODM3050
Reduce the amount of external noise in your studio or practice room and improve the internal acoustics with the help of our soundproof curtains. They are a simple and cost-effective solution for dampening sound and can be easily fitted and installed in every space.
Kysy saatavuus myynnistä
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 3m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3030
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 4,5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3045
Backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². They are stronger than most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 4m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3040
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3050
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 3m x H 6m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK3060
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 4,5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6045
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger than most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 3,5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6035
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 3m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6030
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger then most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 4m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6040
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger than most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 5m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6050
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger than most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Admiral Staging Backdrop 320 g/m² W 6m x H 6m black
Tuotekoodi: PODK6060
Admiral Staging backdrops have the perfect weight, 320 g/m². Stronger than most backdrops on the market, but still a lighter weight which makes this fabric wrinkle a lot less. Pre-assembled eyelets every 25 cm make these backdrops very easy to mount. This stage decoration is available in two standard widths (3 and 6 meters) with a length of 3, 4, 5 or 6 meters.
Näytetään 1 - 15 / 15 tuotteesta