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Audac 2 x RCA/Cinch - 2 x terminal block (3p - 3.81mm) - 3 meter

Etusivu Ääni Audiotoistimet Tarvikkeet Audac 2 x RCA/Cinch - 2 x terminal block (3p - 3.81mm) - 3 meter
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Audac 2 x RCA/Cinch - 2 x terminal block (3p - 3.81mm) - 3 meter (CLA832/3)

Audac 2 x RCA/Cinch - 2 x terminal block (3p - 3.81mm) - 3 meter

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

This cable, with its terminal block connectors is especially designed to make it easier to install racks and do complex installations faster. Fitted with a plastic grip for easy plugging and unplugging, this signal cable features 2 x RCA/ Cinch to 2 x Terminal Block (3-pole Terminal block with 3.81mm pitch). This cable can be used for connecting a line signal, some examples of equipment using this kind of connections are the matrixes and amplifiers from the audio brand AUDAC.

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