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Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White

Etusivu Ratkaisut In wall speaker solutions Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White (CERRA2.9+/W)
Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White (CERRA2.9+/W)
Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White (CERRA2.9+/W)
Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White (CERRA2.9+/W)

Audac 8x MERO2D + NOBA8A + AMP523MK2 - White

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

Thanks to the elegant and nearly invisible design of the MERO speakers, the CERRA2.9+ set will aesthetically blend into any environment while guaranteeing an unsurpassed sound experience. Accompanied and powered by the NOBA8A bass cabinet, this set will deliver a warm full range hi-fi audio reproduction of music and speech. The system, using eight MERO2D loudspeakers, can cover areas of around 100 m² with clear and powerful background music..

The addition of a AMP523MK2 will increase the amount of inputs and open the possibility to control volume and input selection through a web browser or with the AUDAC Touch™ mobile application.

- Innovative & unique design
- High-end sound
- Energy-efficient
- Integrated class-D amplifier

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