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Audac Active audio transceivers RCA

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Audac Active audio transceivers RCA (APG20MK2)

Audac Active audio transceivers RCA

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The APG20 is an audio receiver gateway converting databus transmitted audio signals to standard line and microphone level signals. The audio output of the APG20 can be fed to regular inputs on audio amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, mixers or many more. In combination with the matching input modules (WLI and WMI) it offers a solution for two channel audio transmission (line & microphone) covering distances up to 300 meters over standard UTP CAT5E (or better) cabling. Distances up to 600 meters can be achieved when applying additional power supplies. Due to the differential bus input with increased voltage levels, the received signals are insensitive for noise, interference and attenuation over the long transmission distance. This offers the appropriate solution for high quality audio transmissions in long distance applications while maintaining high quality audio reproduction. The bus input carrying both audio channels, an RS-485 data channel and 24 Volts distribution to the transmitter end is implemented using an RJ45 connector. The audio outputs are performed using dual RCA (line) and female XLR (microphone) connections. The XLR output is accompanied with a switch allowing selection between a -40 dB and 0 dB output level. The signals carried on the RS-485 pair of the databus are linked to an RJ45 output connection, allowing daisy chaining to the controlled equipment. A variety of optionally available mounting brackets for the AUDAC S-Box product range are allowing desk, closet or 19” equipment rack installation.

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