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Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded (ALI20MK2)
Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded (ALI20MK2)
Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded (ALI20MK2)
Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded (ALI20MK2)

Audac Audio line isolator - Shielded

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The ALI20/25 are audio line isolators designed to isolate audio devices from each other. In most cases, they are used to avoid hum caused by ground loops in audio systems. They offer a complete passive solution for the isolation of a stereo balanced audio signal. It features dual XLR in- and output connectors and a ground lift switch. The in- and output phase are matching. The ALI20/25 are both built with an audio transformer that has a turns ratio of 1:1 and an impedance of 600 Ohm. The difference is the shielding of the transformer. The ALI20 contains a shielded transformer which complies with the requirements of most standard applications, while the ALI25 contains a MU-metal shielded transformer which can be used when regular shielding becomes inadequate. This ensures the best results in even the highest EMI polluted environments.

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