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Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version

Etusivu Ääni Kauttimet Bassokaapit Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)
Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version (BASO15/W)

Audac Compact 15" bass reflex cabinet - White version

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The BASO cabinets are universally useable passive bass cabinets. Their bass reflex design is engineered to be as compact as possible while giving the maximum performance in terms of sound quality and pressure. Their enclosures are crafted out of sturdy high-quality plywood while their elegant design enables them to be placed in any environment. The BASO15 is loaded with a 15” high-performance woofer with an RMS power rating of 700 Watt and maximum power of 1400 Watt. The strength of this loudspeaker originates from a 4” voice coil which is allowed to extra long excursions. Displacements are precisely controlled by the dual low-loss suspension resulting in a superior linear behaviour. These carefully selected high-grade materials in collaboration with accurate acoustical craftsmanship results in an impressive combination of punch and low frequency extension without compromises. The highly efficient design results in a sensitivity of 99 dB with a capability of continuous sound pressure production up to 127 dB. The frequency response ranges from 38 Hz up to 300 Hz while going down to 34 Hz at -10 dB. Besides these acoustical aspects, a lot of attention has been paid to all other aspects making it as versatile as possible. The enclosure is compact designed without any sacrifice to robustness due to the 18 mm high-quality plywood material finished with structured coating. The integrated carry handles and possibility to add an optional 35 mm pole adapter improve its mobility. Connections are made using two speakon compatible connectors located in a recessed connector dish, allowing link-through to other cabinets. This also allows close placement to any wall or corner.

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