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Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface

Etusivu Ääni Solution boxes Solution boxes accessories Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)
Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface (MBS101T)

Audac Setup box installation accessories - Mounts one unit to a flat surface

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The MBS1xx is a series of installation accessories for use in combination with the AUDAC S-Box™ products range. This range includes a variation of small electronic products such as amplifiers, transformer boxes, converters, and many more.

In combination with the MBS1xx series, extended assembly possibilities are offered to allow them to be fixed underneath tables or desks, assembled above drop ceilings or mounted to 19” equipment racks. The mechanic construction for each of these products is identical, allowing a combined installation for various products.

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