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Audac Bluetooth extender kit

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Audac Bluetooth extender kit (BAE100)

Audac Bluetooth extender kit

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The BAE100 Bluetooth antenna extender kit, allows increasement of reception range for a Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) receiver when installed to a 19" equipment rack or any other (shielded) enclosure. The kit includes a 7 dBi (279 mm) antenna with a higher gain and reception range compared to most standard antenna's. It consists of a special multifunctional mounting bracket that offers the possibility to mount to a single 19" rack space enclosure. Mounting of the antenna on front of a 19" device (e.g. preamplifier with Bluetooth functionality) can also be done with the included 1 meter connection cable (SMA Male - Female), while the included 5 meter cable allows placement outside of the enclosure (e.g. wall mounting). Connections are made by SMA type connectors.

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