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Audac Universal configuration & control unit

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)
Audac Universal configuration & control unit (APC100MK2)

Audac Universal configuration & control unit

Kysy saatavuus myynnistä

The APC100 is a configuration and control unit which can be used in combination with a wide variation of 'smart' AUDAC devices, ranging from matrix systems and mixers to paging consoles and wall panels. It features different types of communication ports, such as TCP/IP, RS-232 & RS-485. This way, it can communicate with every 'smart' device connected in your installation and establish the missing link between them. This makes the installers' life easier and time saving. Complex system configurations and updates can be made in a moment, as well as back-ups and duplicates. Specific files such as voice-file messages and screensavers can be uploaded without requiring no more than the APC100 and a computer. An internal real-time clock allows synchronizations for time controlled events in external devices. (When synchronized with internet time server).

The AUDAC system manager software application allows the user to manage and control APC100's functions together with full configuration functionalities for any 'smart' connected devices. (through TCP/IP, RS-232 or RS-485 In addition it can also be used as a standard gateway receiving serial communication and converting into TCP/IP format and reversed. This allows system integration for devices such as audio sources & power amplifiers without integrated network capabilities to be implemented into your automation system. A variety of optionally available mounting brackets for the AUDAC S-Box product range are allowing desk, closet or 19” equipment rack installation.

Huomioi, että kuva on suuntaa-antava ja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta (esim. tietokoneisiin ei välttämättä sisälly näyttöä, vaikka kuvassa sellainen olisikin). Jos tuotenimikkeessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi, lähetä sähköpostia tukeen ennen tuotteen tilaamista.